Engaging Ministries for Adults
Temple Baptist Church Ladies Ministry is an active and exciting part of our outreach to the community. They have a Ladies Prayer Group that meets every other Tuesday evening at 7:00 PM (as the group meets either at the church or at someone's home, the location for each meeting will be announced in the Church bulletin.). They also have a Ladies Bible Study that meets to study the Word together at different times of the year. For more information about upcoming events, contact Becky Porter and check back here as this page continues to grow.

We meet on the First Saturday of every month from 8 to 10 AM in the Dining Hall, gathering together for a delicious breakfast and some encouraging fellowship. This is followed by an informal time of sharing our blessings and burdens before the Lord, praying together, and trusting Him alone to meet our needs. All men and young men are welcome to join us monthly.

Temple Baptist Church supports missionaries and missions projects here and abroad in countries all around the world.

Temple Baptist Church's very own Senior Adult Group.
Prime Timers is currently meeting on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 10:30 AM.
PrimeTimers is now meeting on the fourth Tuesday of every month in the Dining Hall at 10:30 AM. Our meetings include fellowship, sing-along time, door prizes, games, and entertainment.