Missions Moments, Oct 15, 2023-Shane and Kayti Salmon, Thailand




“FILL MY CUP” LADIES’ MEETING: In August, our church – Ben Tai Baptist – again joined with my parents’ church – Bangjak Baptist – for our annual ladies’ meeting. This year the theme was “Fill My Cup.” My mom (Tammy Salmon), Kayti and our ministry partner Ayla Cottrell worked with several volunteers to plan, decorate and host the event. Over 30 ladies attended, some saved and some unsaved, and all were able to hear practical Gospel messages by our guest speaker, Missionary Lisa Files, as well as powerful testimonies from two Thai believers from Bangjak Baptist. And, of course, they had a lot of fun eating, fellowshipping and making DIY crafts! We are so grateful for the many volunteers who helped make this event a success, and for the clearly evident working of the Lord during the meeting!

 TRYING SOMETHING NEW: Recently our church tried a new kind of family outreach – a dessert-making course. Initially we expected maybe 3 or 4 families to sign up since we’d never done it before. Actually, we had to close pre-registration early because too many families were signing up! What a blast! What a riot! We had 14 families with 20+ kids and 6 volunteers besides us and the Cottrells, all buzzing around our little church, measuring, stirring, spilling, and having the best time! We certainly didn’t do things perfectly, but we were so encouraged by the turnout and for the chance of sharing Jesus, not only with the children but with their parents too! Please pray for us as we seek to continue the relationships these outreaches have started and as we plan future outreaches and events.

A SPECIAL SUNDAY: The last Sunday in August was really special for us at BTBC. First, because a new believer, Name, followed the Lord in baptism. Baptism can sometimes be a difficult step for a new believer to take here in Thailand, because its ceremonial nature can bring strong opposition from friends and family. It feels like a more official turning from Buddhism to Christianity, so many families will tell their children not to get baptized. Name had similar pressure and was concerned about how his family would react, but the Lord was moving in his parents’ hearts. When he spoke with them again about getting baptized, they supported his decision! It was truly a miraculous change that only God could have caused!  Adam Cottrell has been working through discipleship studies with Name, and he baptized him!

It was also very special because that Sunday was the last service for us to have the Cottrell Family with us before their furlough. The Cottrells have been partnering with us at Bentai since January, and they have been a huge blessing to the church and ministry here. We will miss them greatly while they are gone, but we look forward to when they will return next year.
