Missions Moments, Oct 22, 2023-The Miyashita Family, Japan

The James and Rosalie Miyashita Family

Church-planting Missionaries to Japan

September/October 2023

 Since our last prayer letter, our family has dealt with a season of sickness. Our family took turns getting the flu and had to cancel services one Sunday. The flu has spread this year in Japan at a record pace. Schools have taken measures by cancelling classes for entire grades. For us, the symptoms and fogginess hung around a while, immediately followed by a round of ear infections and head colds, but we are all feeling much better now.

At the top of September (while we were sick), we hit the two-year mark of arriving in Nagoya, Japan. It is hard to believe that just two years ago we landed and were in quarantine. Silas turned 5 in September. Amos started pre-k and now is delighted to ride the bus with his brother.

As we are praying and planning to start 16 churches by 2030 in Nagoya, we have been greatly encouraged by how God has continued to connect us with people. We will share more details in our next prayer letter, but will you join us in prayer by setting an alarm for 9:38 in the morning to remember Jesus’ command to pray for laborers found in Matthew 9:38?

We are continuing evangelism and discipleship efforts through one-on-one meetings, tracts, etc. We have been excited to have first-time visitors several weeks in a row at the church plant. Our church plant has a small gift bag that includes a towel with the church logo on it that we give to first-time visitors. We just had to order another box because the first box of 100 is almost gone!

Please pray that we can see 5 people saved and baptized through our church plant this year. Please pray that God will work in hearts as people hear the Gospel!

Yours for Japan,

The James and Rosalie Miyashita Family
