Missions Moments, Feb 12, 2023-Jeff and Mindy Bush, Mexico

Jeff and Mindy Bush

Missionaries to Mexico

Thanksgiving 2022

God gave us a wonderful Thanksgiving. We were able to be with family in Indiana and Ohio for the holiday. We were also able to visit four churches while there. It was such an encouragement to see family, eat awesome food and even enjoy some fishing and fun times.

As a Christian, I have so much to be thankful for. It seems like the devil is consistent with trials, but I would be foolish to focus on those. God has been, and is good. I’m so grateful for my family, my friends, and the privilege of serving Him.

Since Monday I’ve had the privilege of visiting missionary friends in Mexico. Jonathan Anderson and his family are serving faithfully, planting churches and seeing the lost saved. The Chandler family is serving on their 6-month internship and are doing a wonderful job. Joy Wahl has been serving and assisting the Anderson family and has been a big blessing to them. What a wonderful time of fellowship we have shared together. I was also privileged to preach at one of the three churches here.

Lastly, I was privileged to fulfill a surreal experience. Several years ago I wrote a letter to Dr. John Taylor, the great grandson of missionary Hudson Taylor. We have corresponded through the years. Last week I was able to visit with him and ask him questions. He was born in China, his parents being missionaries there. He and his siblings were placed in a boarding school, one started by Hudson Taylor. While there, WWII occurred, and he was taken to a prison camp. He spent almost three years there, with a total of five years separated from his parents. He was in the same prison camp with Eric Liddell. After he and his siblings were finally released, they were free to find their parents. When they arrived to the town where his parents were ministering, a man went to his mother and told her that the children were back! She asked, “What children?” She did not know her four kids were even alive! What a reunion with his parents he hadn’t seen in 5 years and a baby brother he didn’t’ even know he had!

 Since Hudson Taylor went to China in 1853, over one hundred and fifty years ago, there has been a Taylor family member in China for the sake of the Gospel. What a heritage! I pray God would allow my descendants to serve and follow our Savior.
