Missions Moments, Feb 19, Ricky and Tammy Salmon, Thailand

Salmon’s Ministries in Thailand

Fishing For Souls in Thailand for Over 30 Years

December 2022 – January 2023

 Christmas 2022 - Better than Ever! It was a joy to see the plan come together, as the Lord opened doors for us to plan a worship service together with Bentai Baptist Church (plant) Missionary Shane Salmon. The challenge to find a meeting room at a reasonable price led us to rent a theater to meet in on Christmas morning. The plan went well as the choir practiced by faith for 2 months, led by missionary, Shane Salmon, preparing to go out and sing in the malls. We are never sure that they will allow us to come in and sing as we have in the past, and over the last 3 years we had been denied because of the COVID-19 situation. This year our choir, nativity team and deaf choir performed 5 times on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, at 3 different malls, while our other members went through the crowds handing out goody bags. Over 1,500 people received bags with tracts and Gospel Comic Books. Some of our very new believers were all in on setting up and breaking down platforms. Relationships were strengthened and believers worked together serving Christ with a common goal to let others know about Christ. We are thankful that we have had visitors drop in and visit the churches as a result of being out in the malls. We are so thankful that you make this happen as you partner with us.

New Souls for the Kingdom of Heaven:  God's saving Grace never changes-and sometimes when you least expect it God brings someone to you who just needs someone to point the away. That's the way it was with Mr. Guk recently. He knew in his past - he had heard there was a way to know you were a child of God. He came to the church on a Wednesday in the middle of the day to find someone who could tell him the way. Praise the Lord, He called on the Lord! I will be discipling him as soon as he returns from a business trip to Korea. Another new believer, Peach, came to our English camp last year. She has faithfully attended English classes since then and joined our choir practices before Christmas. After singing all day in the malls, she told Tammy she had never done anything like that before but she loved it! She decided she needed a personal relationship with Christ 2 weeks ago! We are so thankful God working in and through the ministries of Bangjak Baptist Church. We are looking forward to seeing these new believers get baptized in the near future and ask that you pray for this new brother and sister in Christ.

Please Continue to Pray for my Health.  Update:  Thank you for praying for me. I am still on immunotherapy and chemotherapy but the recent blood tests have shown significant drop in the multiple myeloma density in the bone marrow. It is 50% less than the last time they checked so around 35% is still present. We are praying that soon we will hear the doctor say we have achieved remission. I am thankful to be present in the services now but doctors continue to stress wearing a mask since my immunity is compromised due to the medications right now. I was recently hospitalized with Covid, but we are very thankful for the power of prayer, good doctors and medications. The symptoms were mild, and the hospital stay wasn’t long. Thank you for your continued prayers on my behalf and for Tammy also.

Specific Requests: 1. Remission 2. Return of Kidney function 3. Immune System to increase 4. Side Effects of chemo will be minimal and my energy will return.

Christmas for our Refugee Ministry: We are so thankful for the refugees the Lord has led through our doors. Many don't know the Lord personally but are persecuted and have fled their countries in hopes of finding freedom, only to arrive in Thailand and be forced to live in hiding. Some have now been here 8-9 years. We have seen at least 10 families relocated to Canada in the last few months, but there are still many more. During this waiting period, many have come to know Christ as their personal Savior. We know that is why the Lord led them to this place of waiting in their lives. We are thankful to be the tools God uses to care for them. We are very thankful for the Ashcraft family who oversees this amazing ministry at Bangjak Baptist Church. Speaking to this group of over a hundred at Christmas was one of the highlights of my Christmas.


Sending Church: Temple Baptist Church, Titusville, Florida