Missions Moments, Feb 5, 2023-Autersons

The Autersons in France

Taking the gospel power to the land of the Eiffel Tower

January / February 2023

 Questions: During his first visit to our church recently, Tiago raised his hand in the teens’ Sunday School class. He had an important question. “Can you please explain to me why exactly Jesus died on the cross? I’ve known for years that it occurred, but I’ve never had anyone explain the reason.” For the first time in his 12 years of existence, this young man heard the why of the Gospel. Tiago is not the exception to the rule here and remains a powerful reminder of why God has us in France.

“S,” a single mother of 3, has been faithfully attending our church for several weeks now. Until recently she considered herself an agnostic, but God has been working on her heart. She’s now hooked on reading the Bible, praying and attending services whenever possible. She recently asked Amy a question. “I’ve been hearing a lot in the sermons about the importance of redemption. I don’t really understand that, could you please explain it to me?” Her journey is far from over, but we are thrilled to see God drawing her and her children closer to the Cross.

More questions? We’ve been hearing different versions of the same question lately from you. “What is the latest on your building situation?” Do you remember our old, small structure that was destined to be condemned and eventually torn down in 2024? In a meeting with the Mayor in December, we were told the process had been accelerated, and we had to vacate right away. At least we’ve been given access to a building available to local associations. The good news is that it’s larger, and we’ve gained much needed extra space to grow into. The bad news is that it’s only available to us on Sundays, so we must do “pop up” church every week. Meanwhile our building program is in the painstaking process of back-and-forth communication between our architect and the city. Would you believe the problem is ironing out the details on the building’s esthetics? Once that is squared away, we will have our final estimate to take to the banks. Please pray that the loan we seem to need won’t be problematic, so that we can break ground and begin building in the next 6 months!

We appreciate your faithfulness to the King and His work here in France!

For HIS glory,

Lance, Amy, Kirianna, Aliya, Cannon and Kane Auterson
