Missions Moments, May 14, 2023-The Trills in Thailand

Justin and Becka Trill

Missionaries to Thailand

March-April 2023

Easter Sunday: We had a great Easter service celebrating our risen Savior here in Thailand. We had one combined service that day with over 60 in attendance. It was one of our largest attended services in recent years. There were at least 4 different nationalities represented and 3 languages spoken that day. We had special music, a sermon by Pastor Ricky Salmon, and a delicious lunch afterwards. It was a special day, and we are so thankful for the opportunity to celebrate together.

Happy Songkran: April 13-15 Thailand celebrated its new year - Songkran. This is by far the biggest and most famous holiday for Thailand. This is a fun holiday filled with hanging out with friends and family and getting to “play water.” For the average Thai person, it is filled with many rituals with visiting older family members and going to the Buddhist temples to pay respect to Buddha and Buddhist monks. For our church, we use this time to provide a safe and fun place to fellowship together as a church family, and to get wet to provide just a little bit of relief from the heat.

Now that our Songkran break is over, we are preparing for the next several months of events and ministry that will be taking place. Please pray with us for these events as we will be inviting more to join us and having opportunity to share the Gospel -  Soccer Camp, Kids & Adult English classes starting up again, and English Camp. We will also be traveling to another province for a local pastors’ and missionaries’ conference. We appreciate your continued prayers and support.


      We had a great turnout for both our Easter and Songkran events.

      We have been able to make some good connections for our upcoming English classes.

      We have found a new teacher for our kids’ English Sunday school class as our current teacher is preparing to move.

Prayer Requests

      For Justin as he attends Soccer Camp May 3-6. This is a time we usually see several salvations.

      Traveling mercies for our family May 15-17 to a ministry conference.

      Pray for a well-attended English Camp and all those preparing for it in June.

      For health and safety for Becka and baby Eleanor.

Justin, Becka, Henry and George Trill
