Missions Moments, July 16, 2023-Kris and Rose Marie Blumer, Peru

Kris and Rose Marie Blumer

Missionaries to Peru

Summer 2023

We have the assurance of scripture; The promise is almost, but not yet. The patience from God we need prevents us from 'casting away our confidence"(Hebrews 35 & 36).

I was preparing for a Sunday message for the village of Cero Azul when the Lord spoke to me in these verses. I usually reflect on the blessings and not the testings when I read something like Hebrews 10:35-39. We believe the Lord God is blessing His work to the saving of the soul (v.39).

We have been blessed to meet with precious souls like Walter, Arturo, Sister Patricia and the young men who make the sacrificial trip to help pull it all together each week. We need a team like this when testing comes, and it will come. We have been blessed that the political upheavals, natural disasters, and spiritual confrontation is not hindering the presence of the King of Peace, the great Comforter, and the Almighty arm of the Father who giveth every good gift and every perfect gift.

We have, as an additional praise, Pastor Camilo Huacho and his wife Betty attending our services after they finish their Sunday morning service in Las Lomas. Brother Camilo has agreed to read over the documents that we will use to establish a church and help me with the nuances of the culture that exists on the coast.

I must say that, besides the colloquial differences of Spanish we are learning, there is a coastal philosophy of life that the fishermen have that is quite distinct from Lima or the mountain villages near Antioquia. The differences you might notice in the States are as unique as the New England culture compared to the Deep South or depending on which side of the "Range" you are from. For us, it is like a new language, new ways to build relationships and being prayerful to keep from unknowingly offending them. We will soon be seeking help from North Americans, but for now, the Lord has placed Peruvians who know and understand these differences. We are blessed to have those, whose heart God has touched and the Lord has sent to help us.

On that note: Our son and daughter-in-law have sent our 11-year-old granddaughter, Audrey, to stay with us through her summer vacation. Giles brought his eldest daughter down to experience mission- life, and God answered Rose Marie’s prayer to have grandchildren stay with us! What an opportunity for her to live by faith overseas!

We ask that God burden your prayer life with the following requests and praises.

1) Praise: Last week the adults were encouraged to hear the children sing the Scripture song for them in the service that Rose Marie taught to them. They told me that they hear the songs being sung throughout the week.

2) Pray for families in the fishing village who watch the street meetings from a distance. Our prayer is that they are listening while they are sitting outside in front of their homes.

3) Praise: Bible classes have finished for the one set of classes I teach on the North American schedule. The LMCS classes will continue until December.

4) Prayer: Price for food and utilities are doubling, which is challenging our budget. We pray that the apartment we are renting doesn't increase too, but remains at a level we can afford 

5) Praise: My mother, Marjorie Blumer, is once again off hospice care. I have precious sisters who are gifted and giving mom care that I cannot. With many of you praying, they have brought mom back to health, and biblically honored our parents. As many of you understand, it is costly, and they too have made many personal sacrifices. It is the way we were raised: Praise God for great churches from New York to Florida, and a godly heritage, in the home.

6) Praise for follow-up opportunities with families God gave us in our neighborhood and with unsaved LMCS students, Luis, Jose, Raymond, and others I know are unsaved and have to meet with in a few days.

7) Finally, pray for traveling mercies. We have upcoming church visits scheduled to begin in September. Rose Marie will be taking Audrey with her to the States at the end of the month and then she'll be helping Rebekah and Lydia as she transitions back from missionary work in Mexico to Colorado, for necessary medical detoxing.

Thank you for so many, doing so much; sharing in this ministry through prayer and encouragement. Philippians 4:17-18

Until the trumpet sounds and He returns! blumers@wwntbm.com