Missions Moments, July 23, 2023-ADAM, ASHLEY AND ANNA WALZ, Taiwan



JUNE 2023


God already at work!  We have only been back in Taiwan for a little over a month and a half now, and I’m not sure where to start in sharing all that Christ has already done! Our calendar has been filling up quickly with meeting new people and building friendships. We hear from someone new who wants to get together for coffee or dinner each week. Every time we meet with someone, we slowly begin sharing stories from the Bible that point to Christ with them. Most of them desire to continue meeting, and the relationship grows, which allows us to share Christ with them more.

Among those we have met, a young man by the name of Harris has continued to meet with us and has even begun studying the Bible with us on Sunday! One of the times I met with him, he began sharing with me that he used to go to church and claimed to be a Christian because he was baptized. I asked him if the Bible taught salvation from sin through baptism, to which he said he didn’t know because he had never read the Bible. Afterward, I invited him to read the Bible with us, and he has been coming and seeing for himself what God’s Word says about Christ and Salvation. I am confident that God will speak to Harris through His Word, and here soon he will know that genuine salvation comes through Jesus alone.

Another young man who has expressed interest in God’s Word is Kevin. Kevin and I share a passion for fishing. I had almost given up hope fishing in Taiwan because of all the times I went before, I never caught anything. Kevin and I went out together for about eight hours. While we were fishing for fish, I could tell God was fishing for Kevin’s heart. He began asking me many questions about God’s Word and why was Jesus any different than the rest of the beliefs of this world. At the end of our fishing trip, Kevin asked me if I would study the Bible with him. Please be in prayer for Kevin. He has a tender and compassionate heart, and it seems Christ is already at work in his life.

Please help us pray for these other names as they each have their unique story, but all share the same need for Christ Jesus. Their English names are Renton, James, Reid, Zhang, Sam, Agnes, Ruby, Zack, Leo, Zhu Rong, Anita, and William.

We have already begun Bible studies with a few of these precious souls and are praying God’s Word will open the eyes of their hearts and draw them to Him. Thank you for your prayers and for holding the ropes for us as we tell souls here of Christ for you!

ReachingTaiwan.com; reachingtaiwan@gmail.com