Missions Moments, July 30, 2023-Ricky and Tammy Salmon, Thailand




This year Resurrection Sunday fell right before the longest holiday on the Thai Calendar. This is always a blessing to the churches in Thailand as it has a huge effect on our Easter services. We had a great crowd of visitors and members also. I was very happy to be back sharing God’s word as my son Dustin worked hard to translate so that all of our language groups could join the service together. Tammy also interpreted for the deaf adults in our service. Our Easter service for the refugee ministry had to be separate for the sake of accommodating everyone and even with that, the refugee service had people standing in the back. What a blessing it is to see God work in amazing ways. We are blessed to just be a small part of that. All were blessed by special songs and plays depicting the meaning of Christ’s love for us, His sacrifice on the cross and His victory over death!

Soccer Camp - One of our biggest desires and goals in ministry that we have always had is to reach out to young men so that they can hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. This year we hosted a futsal camp (soccer for teams of 11 played on concrete or wooden floors). Missionary Adam Cottrell was our speaker every evening and Missionary Justin Trill was one of the assistant trainers. We took 18 young men (all Buddhist) ages (14-19) and spent 4 days together with them, out of town, training in the day and sharing Christ in the evenings. We are so thankful for our young adults and missionaries who have a heart to endure the heat to reach out! Many seeds were planted, and we continue to work with this group every Thursday – Saturday afternoon.

Antioch Baptist Comes to Bangkok - It was such a blessing to have a special team of 12 adults come to Thailand on June 3rd specifically to plug in and reach out to the Thai Buddhist community. They were such a huge blessing to us and the other missionaries we work with here. Shane and Kayti Salmon hosted them and graciously shared their efforts and activities with us as they did outreaches with people in our local community also. Because of their efforts, we have new English students coming to study every Saturday night here at Bangjak Baptist Church. The English classes are free and followed up by a short Bible lesson or testimony from someone who has accepted Christ. This team even took care of 6 very young missionary kids to give their parents a much need night out alone. They had such a heart to serve and were such an encouragement and blessing to us here!

We cannot thank you enough for supporting the ministries here in Thailand. Your support is what makes the difference in missionaries being able to put every day into sharing the gospel with those who have no opportunity to hear the Word of God. We know how difficult times are economically for those all over the world. We appreciate our churches who faithfully pray and financially support the work here faithfully! It is a privilege to partner with you!

Lastly, thank you so much for praying for my health! I am thankful for those who have personally contacted us letting us know they are continually praying. We are trusting the Lord to lead the doctors, and we are seeing good results from the new chemotherapy that I am currently taking. I have just completed a second round, and we are thankful there have not been any major side effects aside from fatigue. The Lord has been good, and I am back to preaching every Sunday, teaching Sunday school and teaching in the Bible Institute 2 days a week (2 hours each day). Please continue to pray for healing, my energy level and wisdom.   Ricky and Tammy Salmon
