Missions Moments, August 20, 2023-Saunders Family, Southwest USA



JULY 2023

Serving the Lord is so exciting! We are incredibly thankful for all that God has been doing, and we will do our best to fit it all into this update!  Since our last prayer letter we have been privileged to present, preach and sing in 14 new churches, 2 Christian school chapel services, and a bible college chapel service.

On April 22, we were blessed to host the 3rd annual Reach the World Youth Conference at the headquarters of Macedonia World Baptist Missions. There were over 150 teens and young adults in attendance, and it was a wonderful day! We were able to bring several missionary families together to share their hearts and to challenge the young people for the cause of the Great Commission. God did a great work, and we are so excited to see the desire that many in the generation have to serve the Lord. We praise the Lord that we even had a family receive confirmation at the conference that God has called them to the Netherlands! The Williams family has recently joined Macedonia World Baptist Missions and will soon begin deputation. What a blessing!

The last week of May and first week of June we helped host two weeks of the Who Will Go Camp. We had 60 campers per week, and once again got to see the Lord do a great work. Four young people were saved, and 19 surrendered to serve God in missions. When you get around young people who have a heart for God, it’s exciting to watch Him begin to direct their steps. Keep praying that God will send forth laborers into His harvest!

Nathan and Logan have just returned from a trip to Papua New Guinea. They spent two weeks working in and around the city of Port Moresby and had the privilege to work alongside several national pastors as they preached in a different village each night. Each morning, they would go out into the markets and preach and witness. Huge crowds would gather around them, some to listen and some to argue. They faced much opposition, exhaustion, heat and food poisoning, but God did an incredible work there! Many souls were saved, and it was a life-changing trip for the whole team, especially our 16 year old son, Logan. While there, God broke Logan’s heart for the people of PNG. He was able to lead three people to the Lord, witness to many, and teach Sunday School for the first time. God made it very clear to Logan that He is calling him to be a missionary to Papua New Guinea! What a joy that God would call our son and that he would be willing to follow! Please pray for him as he prepares for the future and that God will direct every step.

We ask you to also pray for our oldest son Luke. God has given him the opportunity to take his first international mission trip this December to England.

Our Southwestern trip begins the first of August. We will be traveling for seven weeks from GA to CA and back to visit with out missionary families who are serving in the Southwest. Please pray that we can be a help and an encouragement to them and that God will keep us safe and provide our needs along the way.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. God is doing big things, and we are thankful to be a small part.

Nathan, Kelly, Luke, Logan and Leah Saunders
