Missions Moments, August 6, 2023-Dr. Mike and Diane Peper-Sierra Leone


Salt and Light for Sierra Leone, Africa

JULY 2023

20 Churches Averaged 1,152:  We are happy to report that in June, our 20 churches averaged 1,152 children and adults with 250 making profession of faith in Christ. The pastors and the church members are doing well in spite of the fact that we are now into the heavy rainy season.

At this time we are wanting to complete the building for one of our churches in Waterloo. This building will accommodate the church on the first floor and a new elementary school and Sunday School on the second floor. I have listed the items needed to finish by September 1st.

Items, Cost

22 Sliding windows, $4,550

Outdoor toilets, $275

Over 200 boxes of tile, $6,000

Sidewalk, $140

Plumber-balance work, $275

Safety railing for stairs, $200

9 Doors, $1,000

Upstairs paint, $365

Electrician-balance work, $1,900

Miscellaneous (Desk, benches, blackboards, etc., $250

Total need to complete the project, $14,955

As you may know, the Rawlings Foundation has invested in youth camps in countries around the world, and one of those countries is Sierra Leone. My son-in-law and daughter are privileged to represent the Rawlings Foundation by overseeing the camp. The camp is located on 42 acres of beach-front property. The Foundation is in the process of developing the camp and have already completed a pavilion, kitchen, dug a well, and have a good start on landscaping the property.

Although the camp has not been completed, it has already hosted thousands of young people with thousands of young people being saved. Though Sierra Leone is predominately Muslim country, the camp has already proven itself to be a bridge in reaching the Muslim young people of this country. Two weeks ago, an Islamic high school came to the camp with 543 students in attendance. Out of that number, 378 accepted Christ – along with the Principal, Vice Principal and 6 of the teachers! We are so excited about the future of this ministry.

Thank you so much for all you are doing for the ministry in Sierra Leone. Thank you for your faithful support. Please pray for our outreach to a new section of the Port Loko District in October.

We need your prayers as we return to Sierra Leone in August.

 In Christ, Mike and Diane

