Missions Moments, Jan 29, 2023-Salmons & Trills in Thailand

Justin and Becka Trill, Missionaries to Thailand

December, 2022


Christmas Celebrations

For Christmas this year, Bangjak Baptist and BenTai Baptist had a combined choir that went into several area malls to sing, hand out bags with tracts, and share the true meaning of Christmas. Over the Christmas weekend, we sang 5 different times.

It was a blessing to share the true meaning of Christmas with so many who have never heard. Justin & Becka both sang in the choir, Henry was a sheep in the nativity, and Justin helped with setup at the theater for our Christmas service. It was such a busy weekend, but so good! What a way to celebrate Jesus by serving Him in this way.

Happy New Year

As we wrap up this year, we want to make sure we take the time to thank all of our supporters, both prayer and financial. We couldn't do the work that we do here in Thailand without you. We are forever grateful that you have chosen to be a part of our ministry and are so blessed to call you friends.

We are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us in 2023 - for our family and our ministry. This year we are praying for more opportunities to share Jesus with those around us and to further our language skills to share the Gospel with others in their heart language.

As you enter into 2023, may the Lord bless you and your faithfulness to spreading the Gospel around the world.



Shane and Kayti Salmon

Missionaries to Thailand

January 2023

 Happy New Year!

This past year has been full of opportunities, blessings, and challenges. We are excited to share our year in review snapshot with you and to thank you for supporting our ministry!

 A few prayer requests as we move forward into this year.

-My Dad's (Ricky Salmon) health, he has been responding well to the medication and treatment for multiple myeloma cancer. Please continue to pray for his continued treatments and for their church Bangjak Baptist that is still reaching Thais with the Gospel.

-BenTai's continued growth as a church plant. Praise the Lord we will have our first baptisms this Sunday, two new believers choosing to take the next step of obedience.

-Our family and health as we continue to serve here in Thailand.

-Our church planting team as we continue hosting outreach events and discipleship. We have been blessed with a great team of Thai believers who have been with us since the start and the Cottrell family that is also joining us here at BenTai.

 Thank you again for being a part of the ministry taking place here in Bangkok Thailand!
