Welcome From The Pastor, January 29, 2023

Greetings to Temple Baptist Church.  I pray you will sense a Christian welcome in our service. 

For the longest I have felt that, as a society, people are avoiding communicating and fellowshipping with one another.  Then came COVID-19 and that deepened the gap between each other.  I am fully convinced that not fellowshipping is anti-God! 

There are people who would love to have someone to talk to over a Danish, tea or coffee.   Why not look around the congregation today and pick out a widow or widower to invite to your house for a meal or to a restaurant.  Maybe it is a young couple.  This church is a family.  What family members sitting around you right now do you not know?  Have you spotted someone yet?  At least take a minute to go up to them after the service and say a friendly hello. 

Let’s all start today by encouraging someone within our church family.  I believe our Heavenly Father would be pleased. 

Pastor Tom