Missions Moments-Justin and Becka Trill, Thailand

Justin and Becka Trill

Missionaries to Thailand

July - August 2023

Busy Summer Months: Summer months tend to be a busy time for churches and that is no different here in Bangkok. We had several events over the past two months. Each had great turnouts and good outreach into our community.

July 9th, Bangjak Baptist Church celebrated its 29th anniversary. We count it such an honor to be a part of this ministry reaching out here in Thailand, a land that is so spiritually dark. We had a great day rejoicing in all the things the Lord has done and look forward to what the Lord will do in the coming years.

In August, we celebrated Thai Mother’s Day, and we had a full schedule of events that weekend. We started off with wrapping up our Kids English Class on Saturday. We invited all of our kids back on Sunday to have a special day with their moms. Praise the Lord, we had almost all of our Saturday kiddos show up with their moms! It was such a great way to end our Saturday classes and transition them to coming on Sundays.  August 14th, we had our annual Ladies Seminar with BenTai Baptist Church. We had about 30 ladies in attendance. It was a sweet time of fellowship hearing from God’s Word and getting to know each other a little bit better.

First Sermon in Thai: August 20th, Justin had the opportunity and challenge to preach his first sermon in Thai. After weeks of study and translation work, he was able to preach in both the English and Thai services without a translator. It’s amazing to see how far we’ve come in our language learning process in the last 2 years, but we also realize that we still have so much to learn.

Our Newest Blessing:  On August 31st, we received a big surprise of welcoming our daughter into the world. Eleanor Kay arrived at 35 weeks weighing 5 lbs 3 oz and measuring 18 inches long. We are thankful for the wisdom of Becka’s doctor and the NICU doctors and nurses that took care of both of them. We are grateful to say that both mama and baby are recovering well at home, and we are all settling into our routines as a family of 5. We are so appreciative of all the prayers and support we’ve already received. 


  •       Great outreaches the past two months.

  •       Eleanor has arrived, and mama and baby are doing well.

  •       Justin was able to help out with an outreach at a local vocational school.

  •       Becka was able to lead a women’s Bible study the past 7 weeks.

Prayer Requests

  •       That we will quickly settle into being a family of 5.

  •       For Eleanor’s continued health and growth.

  •       For out choir as we begin prepping for Christmas events in December.

  •       For our church’s prayer retreat coming up in October.

Justin, Becka, Henry, George and Eleanor Trill
