Missions Moments, Oct 8, 2023-The McKnights


Missionaries to the Deaf of the Dominican Republic

August 31, 2023

Farewell to Summer: We have enjoyed a fruitful and busy summer season. NC CEF highlighted our ministry this summer, allowing thousands of kids throughout NC learn about deaf Dominicans and how we plan on reaching them with the gospel. Teaching these 105 hard-working young people was an encouraging experience. They worked hard to raise enough money for a power inverter system for our Dominican apartment. Sam took a pie in the face to help motivate the money-raising efforts. After training, Lorelai and her friends got to teach a 5-day club at the Durham Rescue Mission. Tim and I are so very grateful for Lorelai’s desire to see souls saved through her effort to share the gospel with others. We cleaned out our storage unit and hosted our final yard sale. We raised $2,200 (this is what we budget for shipping costs) and sold EVERY SINGLE ITEM.  We didn’t have anything left to pack up and move somewhere else! When God is in something, He takes care of all the minute details. After all this, we drove to SC and completed missionary training where we learned important truths about what it takes to stay planted in God’s word and how to persevere in His work.

At a church in Florida, someone asked Nikki when we would come back for our first furlough. After a few minutes of thinking, she responded with, “in about 4 years, when we bring Lorelai back for college.” That got her thinking and by that night, she wanted to go on an epic camping adventure. Like the missionaries of old, no screens, no electricity, just a tend and wildness excursions! We left the 2nd week of July and traveled around the Northeast. We visited friends to say goodbye, supporting churches to give ministry updates, and explored the great outdoors – all while staying in a tent on the roof of the truck. We tried to sleep in hammocks in the woods overnight, but we heard too many animal noises, so we went back to the safety of the truck. We hiked too many miles to count and went to bed very sore almost each night. Outdoor survival training would have been most beneficial prior to the camping excursion!

Praise Reports:  (1) God allowed us to teach 105 teens about His love for deaf Dominicans, so they can share with others around NC.  (2) All of our belongings have been donated, gifted, sold, packed or shipped!  (3) Our friends, the Quinlans, have found us an apartment within our budget and in a good location.

Intercession Opportunities:  (1) Pray for God to expedite our paperwork at the US Dept. of State, a necessary step for our visa applications.  (2) Pray for the right person to review our visa requests.  (3) We’ve had to delay our flights (no new date yet) as we wait for paperwork to arrive. Pray for God to give us faith in His timing as we wait.

For His glory alone, Tim and Nikki McKnight

