Missions Moments, March 19, 2023-Paul Tipton

Paul Tipton

Missionary to Nicaragua

March 2023

Things are going well in the ministry.  I am in the states raising additional support. Maintaining the six churches we have along with running the pastor’s school, keeping gas in the vehicles, and other expenses is getting more difficult to do with my present level of support.

Some churches have increased support, for which we are thankful, and God has blessed as we have some new support coming in. I plan to spend 6 months and then I will return to Nicaragua. I am confident that my God will supply all the need, I am trusting Him, and I will return to the field with whatever he gives us in that time frame.

There is always great sadness among our ministry workers and churches every time I have to return to the states for anything and many tears shed. They hate to see me go as much as I hate to go, but at the same time, someone has to do it and I am the only one who can, so please pray for our pastors and workers back in Nicaragua.

I am in the process of renewing my resident visa and thought all was finished. I have been waiting on a call to come and pick up the new card from immigration, which I have to do in person because that is when they take my picture for the new card. However, I received a message today from the pastor who is helping me with all the legalities involved for the renewal.

Now they want to interview me before they approve my renewal. I guess this is a new thing they have started, which means I will have to return next week to Nicaragua for this interview. I am praying they will give me the card while I am there and not tell me I have wait three more weeks.

It makes it hard to schedule meetings when I need to go back and forth to take care of this. I guess this is just one of several new rules they have implemented with the resident visa process, and they never tell us ahead of time.

I was told I had met all the requirements and they would be calling when my card is ready to pick up, then this comes up out of the blue. Please pray for me to get this matter taken care of so I can concentrate on the business of raising support.

Thank you for all you do for our ministry and missions around the world. God bless you and your ministry.

Serving until He comes or calls,  Paul Tipton
