Welcome From The Pastor, March 26, 2023

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!  We will rejoice in our salvation as we come together to worship. 

Today the Lord has brought to us the Solomon family - Father Jon, Mother Olivia and their two sons, Isaiah and Benaiah. 

Jon and Olivia have served in the Children’s Ministry at Cherry Street Baptist Church, in Springfield, MO., for 10 years.  Now God has called them to serve Him in Chile, South America as missionaries. 

God's heart beats for missions around His world.  As Jesus came to seek and save the lost, we too need to be leading souls to the saving knowledge of the Jesus Christ here in our communities.  

Be sure and say hello to the Solomons at their display table in the lobby after the service, and take one of their prayer cards to remember to pray for them.

 Pastor Tom