Missions Moments, April 30, 2023-Autersons

The Autersons in France

March-April 2023

Taking the gospel power to the land of the Eiffel Tower

 What an exciting start to the year we’ve had together! After services one day in February, Arnaud, a married father of 2 came forward expressing his desire for baptism. Being fairly certain he had the cart before the horse, we invited him to a deeper discussion on where he was in his spiritual journey. A few days later, he bowed his head and gratefully expressed his need for Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. A couple weeks later I walked past our son’s room only to hear Cannon say that Tiago was expressing interest in salvation. In our last letter we asked you to pray for this youngster who’d been curious about why Jesus was killed on the cross. Thank you for praying with us! Tiago gladly bowed his head and confessed his need for a Savior. Meanwhile we urge you to continue praying for “S”. Intellectually she understands the Gospel and is getting ever so close to accepting it with her heart.

Our building situation remains an adventure! Pop-up church in the community center has had its ups and downs. But the Lord consistently fills the new, larger space with people eager to grow in God’s grace. Meanwhile on the surface, our building project appears to be bogged down. Are you ready? The city is waiting on our architect, while our architect is waiting on a word from our builder. Our builder says they can’t move forward without formal backing from a bank. Really? When you cut through all that red tape there is only thing holding us back right now. We need ONE bank to step up and partner with us for the future. Pray with us that God’s will be done as we navigate this necessary process.

New seasons brings necessary changes. One can’t help but appreciate the symbolism of new life that comes with the blessed Easter hope. Pray with us that our special Easter program will be used by God to shine His light into dark places.

Until HE returns, we serve!

Lance, Amy, Kirianna, Aliyah, Cannon & Kayne Auterson
