Missions Moments, July 2, 2023-Emanuel and Tereza Negru, Greece





“What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:27

Another year, another God-given opportunity for a spring evangelistic outreach tour! This year we went in three camper vans with 13 people plus our kids. Most of the young people were students at the Word of Life BI Hungary who chose to use their spring vacation to learn more about how to preach the Gospel on the street through personal conversations as well as with the sketch board (the guys). Between March 13-19, there were 48 Gospel presentations with the sketch board, 552 personal conversations, 59 people decided to put their trust in Jesus for the salvation of their soul, and 15,000 evangelistic tracts were given.

One of the Greek young people who helped us organize this tour said, “All glory to God, guys! The numbers are not why we’re doing this, but it is important to know that God takes all this work seriously and works in the heart of every person of these hundreds of people. It is amazing to think that just a week of our year was enough for God to bring to Him the equivalent of a big church in Greece! Imagine the difference that would make if this would happen every week of the year!

“If God would keep working at the same pace (although He could do far more if He wanted), in a year, more than 3,000 people would confess Jesus as their Savior and this by the witness of just a small team of 13 people. In five years, the evangelicals in Greece would be more than doubled. The statistics would be crazy of 100 people would do it.

“Does that sound too easy? Does it sound too good to be true? It is indeed! It is not normal to see so many people come to faith … clearly God is at work doing something unique, because that would not be possible by our own efforts! Give thanks and praise to Him!”

Starting in September 2024:  God has made it clear to us that in order to expand the impact of our work in Greece, it is of vital importance to raise the next generation of fishers of men and of disciples that would make disciples. A key step for the fulfilment of this vision will be to begin a training center where young people will:

Ø  Learn how to study the Bible in a practical way (Academics)

Ø  Be discipled to live out what they learn with passion and consistency (Life)

Ø  Go out every weekend to grow in evangelism skills and burden for the lost, to disciple teenagers and focus on a heart of serving the local church (Ministry)

Each student will gain experience in all of these areas so as the end of their time at the training center they will be prepared to reproduce the same in the local church or on the mission field.

Our focus is to remain on the basics and be a greenhouse providing strong believers and workers for the local churches in Greece and for the worldwide mission field! Through this school:

Ø  The Gospel to be massively shared throughout the year;

Ø  Young people will be challenged and trained to live differently, sold out to God and based on biblical principles and to answer God’s call for their lives;

Ø  Young people will be equipped to reach others with the Gospel and disciple other teenagers.

Major Projects

1.       Scholarships for the present students at the Bible Institute in Argentina (4) Or for the new ones coming to the Ezra Discipleship and Missions Training Center.

2.       Purchase two camper vans that will be used for the students to visit and support the local churches, do street evangelism and discipleship throughout the entire year, as well as to the Summer, Winter and Spring Evangelistic Tours.

3.       Purchase a property for the Discipleship and Missions Training Center.
