Welcome From The Pastor, July 9, 2023

Welcome to Temple Baptist Church as we fellowship together and worship Almighty God. 

As a New Testament church, we were given an ordinance, or an authoritative order, to observe Baptism and The Lord’s Supper.  The Lord’s Supper is a soul-stirring experience because of the depth of meaning it contains. It was during the age-old celebration of the Passover on the eve of His death that Jesus instituted a significant new fellowship meal that we observe to this day. It is an integral part of Christian worship. It causes us to remember our Lord’s death and resurrection and to look for His glorious return in the future.

Here at our church, we do not have a closed communion; it is open for all born-again Christians.  Before taking the elements of the communion we will have a quiet time to pray and ask forgiveness of any unconfessed sins and un-Christlike attitudes.

Pastor Tom