Missions Moments, Sept 10, 2023-Amber Yingling, Philippines





 Thy Will Be Done: Since my last prayer letter, God has been teaching me what this phrase truly means. It is said that the hardest, yet most powerful prayer you can ever pray is, ”God, not my will, but let Thy will be done.”  It is difficult to utter these words to the Lord because it goes against everything our flesh is and wants. Our flesh is selfish and prideful. It does not want to submit to the will of the Heavenly Father. When I find it hard, I remember when Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane. He prayed as sweat drops of blood, “O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done.” (Matt 26:42b).  My Savior submitted to the will of His Father. “And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” (Phil. 2:8). My prayer is that I always have the strength to pray, “Lord, thy will be done.”

Thy Will Be Done in Future Ministry:  In my last prayer letter, I mentioned some traveling opportunities. At the end of June, I traveled north to the province of Pampanga. My prayer for this trip was for God to give me a vision for the future ministry He has called me to do. I was part of a church anniversary service for Beulah Land Baptist Church. It was a blessed time of fellowship and celebration of God’s goodness. The following Monday evening, we visited Philippine Baptist Orphanage. This orphanage has been in operation for six years and has almost 100 children. The Lord allowed this opportunity for me to ask many questions. As we talked and toured the facility, I was overwhelmed by all the information. On Tuesday morning, we traveled to Subic Bay. We were going to do some sightseeing, but God allowed us to find another orphanage to visit (Subic Bay Children’s Home). This orphanage has been in operation for over thirty years and has more than 50 children. Being able to see two different facilities and how they operate, I was able to get a glimpse of what starting and running an orphanage would entail. It was a lot to process. I prayed and continue to pray for God to make this vision and calling more clear in the days to come. Though it will take several years to come to pass, I have started praying for God’s will to be done as He leads and guides each step.

Thy Will Be Done in Ministry Right Now:  In July, I had the privilege to be a part of a youth camp. I was the camp nurse. Thankfully, no major injuries or sicknesses occurred. I was so grateful to be able to use my nurse’s training for the Lord once again. During the camp, God gave me an opportunity to share my testimony to more than 300 young people. While at camp, the Lord grew my burden and desire to work with young people, especially young ladies. My dream of an orphanage will not be possible without young people willing to surrender to ministry with a desire to serve the children of the Philippines. I am praying for more opportunities to develop relationships with young people.
