Welcome From The Pastor, September 17, 2023

Welcome to Temple Baptist Church!  This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!  I am rejoicing that we still have the liberty and freedom to meet as a church family here at 1400 North U.S. 1.

One day this week I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that so many people are not attending church anymore.  The reasons for this fact are many!  I believe the main reason is Americas have become enamored with themselves.  Americans are absorbed in selfish pleasures. I can remember coming out of the First Baptist Church in Myrtle Beach on a Sunday morning and seeing the miniature golf course filled with more people than the amount of people in the church service! 

The Bible talks about in the last days people will be more in love with themselves than with Almighty God.  We must double and triple our efforts to witness about who Jesus is and why He came to earth.  Today in the service we will look at a few ways to do just that.  Be sure and take notes and use some of these ideas to help share Jesus Christ with the lost in your sphere of influence.

Pastor Tom