Missions Moments, Sept 17, 2023-The Knickerbockers

Thomas and Barbara Knickerbocker

Home and Global Missions

July - September 2023

“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” I Timothy 2:2

Trip to Kenya, Africa:   Several months ago, I received a call from Dr. George Kungu, one of our HELP Ministries national leaders in Kenya, Africa. He requested that I come there to speak at their 16th Bible College graduation with 17 graduates, and to visit a number of the churches that have been planted in various areas of Kenya. Also, I would have some sessions with groups of pastors to teach concerning the ministry and encourage them in their work of church planting.

In three days, Bro. George Kungu, his son Pastor Zacharias and Sammy, their assistant pastor and my translator, and I visited 13 churches. Counting the missions conference and graduation, I taught 55 pastors on topics such as Balance in the Ministry, The Baptist Distinctives, and How God finances his church and mission endeavors. The pastors said they were greatly helped and encouraged by the sessions. The trip to Kenya was 26 hours of travel one way including car and plane. On Tuesday after arriving, I woke up with a case of laryngitis which caused me to stay in my hotel room for the day. Thankfully, God gave me enough voice and strength to carry on the rest of the time: though raspy, yet understandable.

The pastors of Kenya I have found are committed, joyful and resourceful in accomplishing the work of the ministry. It was my privilege to encourage them in that.

Report On Our Summer Tour:  In June and July, Barbara and I traveled throughout western New York and Pennsylvania with Edgar and Thea Asuncion and four of their teenage children who are planning to go to Ukraine as missionaries next year. They were such a blessing as we helped present them to 23 Baptist churches. The children sang several songs in beautiful harmony and Bro. Edgar preached powerful messages from II Corinthians 5:14 – “For the Love of Christ Constraineth Us.” Pray for them as they prepare to start in Maldova by next July. Several pastors said they would be supporting them. If you would like to send financial assistance, make out your check to HELP Ministries, put Edgar Asuncion in the Memo portion and mail to HELP Ministries 100 West School Street, King, NC 27021. That would be such a blessing and encouragement!

Barbara’s piano lessons:  Barbara stays busy each week teaching piano. Upon returning from our summer conferences in New York and Pennsylvania she added two new students for a total of seven. Four of them are our grandchildren and three are their cousins.

We so appreciate all our faithful supporters, as you pray for us and support us with monetary gifts. We sense there are many praying as we travel and minister in various states and countries.

-Thomas and Barbara Knickerbocker
